As a believer of Winston Churchill’s saying, “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us,” Professor Ro is a strong advocate of design and research that improves the interconnectivity between architecture, culture, spirituality, beauty, and human experience. At the Catholic University of America, for instance, he was awarded the Magi Endowment for the Liturgical Arts to advance his research on the phenomenological experience of sacred architecture through evidence-based design.

Professor Ro’s promising research trajectory can be seen in a growing record of written scholarly work which has been presented at a number of peer-reviewed conferences and symposia. His scholarship and theoretical design work has been published in venues such as the Journal of Comparative Theology at Harvard Divinity School, Arquitecturas del Sur (Chile), Religions, IN_BO: Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città E l’architettura (Italy), Society of Architectural Historians, Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design, Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Márgenes Arquitectura (Spain), International Ambiances Network (France), Enquiry: A Journal of Architectural Research, Environmental Design Research Association, and Architecture Culture Spirituality Forum among others.



For a full list of scholarly publications and presentations, see Professor Ro’s full Curriculum Vitae at the link below: 

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